

进入新领域时,常有不少需要我们了解的概念或模型。如何快速了解他们呢? 感觉看书上课有点慢,还有别的办法吗?



1. 用 Google 检索对应图示


所以我通常会在 Google 上用英文检索关键词,然后看图片这一栏(见下图),寻找图像化的方式降低理解门槛。这常有惊喜——很容易找到那些把概念、方法讲得很清楚的图示,如果点击原文,还常有高质量讲解。且点击这些图示,又能看到更多相关高质量图示和讲解。



2. 向 GPT 了解对应的关键成功要素和常见误区

大脑善于对比找不同,所以通常正反对比,有利于我们快速了解事物特征。比如关于 MVP 的这张经典对比图:


同理,借助 GPT 快速了解正确做法错误做法,这样的正反对比,也会有助于理解如何运用概念或模型。

比如关于 MVP ,问它:

  • 应用 MVP 的关键成功要素是什么?
  • 关于使用 MVP 的常见误区有哪些?


  • What's the top3 KSFs for applying MVP?
  • What's the common mistakes about MVP ?

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What's the KSFs for applying MVP?


Key Success Factors (KSFs) for applying the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) concept, whether in product development or a broader context like life strategy management, generally include the following elements:

  1. Clear Understanding of MVP: This involves understanding the core concept of MVP, which is about delivering the most value with the least effort to facilitate learning and refinement. The 'minimum' doesn't imply a subpar or unfinished product, but rather a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future development.

  2. Well-Defined Goals: In order to develop an effective MVP, you need to have a clear idea of what you're trying to achieve. This clarity will guide the development of your MVP and help you determine what features are essential.

  3. Customer or User Insight: Whether you're developing a product or applying the MVP concept to your life strategy, understanding the needs and desires of your end user (which might be you, in the case of life strategy) is crucial. This insight will help you prioritize features or actions that deliver the most value.

  4. Iterative Approach: MVP is not a one-and-done process. It's about creating a basic version, gathering feedback, making refinements, and then repeating the process. An iterative mindset is key to successful MVP application.

  5. Flexibility: You need to be willing to pivot based on the feedback you receive. This might mean adding features you hadn't considered, removing features you thought were necessary, or even changing your overall direction.

  6. Effective Measurement and Feedback Systems: You need a way to measure the success of your MVP and gather feedback for improvements. This might involve metrics for product performance or user satisfaction in product development, or personal milestones and feedback from trusted sources in life strategy management.

Remember, the key to MVP is learning and adaptation. By focusing on these key success factors, you can increase your chances of effectively applying the MVP concept.


What's the top3 KSFs for applying MVP?Please help me find the answer from high-quality information sources such as Wikipedia, Google Scholar, Amazon Books, Google Books, O'Reilly Books, official government statistics and reports, TED talks, goodreads, etc.


As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I don't access information directly from external databases or the internet in real-time, which includes specific websites like Wikipedia, Google Scholar, Amazon Books, Google Books, O'Reilly Books, official government statistics and reports, TED talks, Goodreads, etc. Therefore, I can't provide information from these sources directly. However, I can share knowledge based on the data I was trained on, which includes a diverse range of sources, including books, websites, and other educational material.

Here are the top three Key Success Factors (KSFs) for applying Minimum Viable Product (MVP) methodology, based on common practices and literature in the field:

  1. Customer-Centric Mindset: The MVP should be designed around the needs of the customer. Understanding your target customer's needs, pain points, and desires is crucial for building a product that provides value. Use tools like customer interviews, surveys, and user testing to gather this insight.

  2. Lean and Agile Development: MVP is part of the Lean Startup methodology and works best in an Agile development environment. This means building in small, iterative cycles, constantly testing and improving based on user feedback.

  3. Validated Learning: The goal of an MVP is to learn about the product's assumptions. This means setting clear hypotheses about your product, testing them with the MVP, and then using the results to make data-driven decisions.

Again, these are generalized factors and the specifics may vary depending on the context, the nature of the product, the market, and other aspects. It's always best to consult with a product development expert or conduct further research for the most accurate information for your specific situation.


What's the common mistakes about MVP ?


Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a strategy used for fast and quantitative market testing of a product or product feature. While this strategy is an excellent way to validate your product idea and learn from real users, there are several common mistakes that companies often make when developing an MVP:

  1. Misunderstanding the Concept of 'Minimum': The word "minimum" in MVP means it should have just enough features to satisfy the users and gain validated learning. However, some companies misunderstand this as building a bare-bones product with little to no value for the user. An MVP should still solve a problem for its users, even if it's not as feature-rich as the final product will be.

  2. Ignoring User Feedback: MVPs are meant to be a learning vehicle. If a company ignores user feedback or does not have a mechanism to collect and analyze it, they're missing the point of releasing an MVP. Feedback is crucial in determining the direction of the product's development.

  3. Expecting Immediate Profit: Some companies expect to turn an immediate profit with their MVP. While this is possible, the primary goal of an MVP is to learn about the market, users, and product fit. Expecting immediate profit can lead to decisions that compromise learning.

  4. Poor Quality: Just because it's an MVP, it doesn't mean that it can be of poor quality. Users will not adopt a product that is buggy or has a poor user experience, even if it's just an MVP. The quality of the product is still important.

  5. Not Defining Success Metrics: It's important to define what success looks like for an MVP. Without clear goals or metrics, it's challenging to measure if your MVP is successful or to learn from it.

  6. Building Too Many Features: An MVP should focus on one core problem that your product is trying to solve. If you add too many features to your MVP, it becomes difficult to understand what is driving user behavior and preferences.

Remember, the primary purpose of an MVP is to maximize learning with the minimum effort. It's about testing your assumptions and learning about your users and market as effectively as possible.


What's the common mistakes when applying MVP in life strategy management ?


Applying the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) concept in life strategy management can be a novel approach. Essentially, you're trying to figure out the smallest thing you can do now that delivers the most value and allows you to learn and adjust your life strategy. However, as with any approach, there are common pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Misunderstanding the "Minimum" Concept: Just as in product development, the "minimum" in MVP refers to the smallest effort that provides value and allows for learning. It does not mean doing the least amount of work or taking shortcuts in your life strategy. It's about smart efforts, not minimal efforts.

  2. Ignoring Feedback: In life strategy, feedback can come from self-reflection, the results of your actions, and input from others. Ignoring these forms of feedback can lead you to stick with ineffective strategies or overlook better opportunities.

  3. Overemphasis on Speed: While the concept of MVP embraces quick testing and learning cycles, it's important not to rush things in life strategy management. Some personal development and life strategies require time to show results. Being patient and giving your strategy the necessary time to work is crucial.

  4. Expecting Perfection: An MVP strategy in life isn't about achieving the perfect life strategy in one go. It's about continuous learning, adjusting, and improving. Expecting perfection from the onset can lead to disappointment and unnecessary stress.

  5. Neglecting Quality: In the context of life strategy, quality can refer to the quality of your decisions, actions, and relationships. While pursuing an MVP approach, don't compromise on these aspects that contribute to a fulfilling and balanced life.

  6. Undefined Success Metrics: In life, success is a personal concept and can vary greatly from person to person. When applying the MVP concept, it's important to define what success means to you and how you'll measure it. Without this, it's hard to determine if a strategy is working or needs adjustment.

Remember, the core of the MVP approach is to learn and adjust, and it's okay to change your strategies based on what you learn about yourself and your goals.


比如前段时间我在研究怎么做好家庭教育,有天忽然好奇如果孩子未来在青少年时期就恋爱了,我该如何处理。于是问 GPT :

  • 对于青少年来说,处理好亲密关系的关键成功要素是什么?
  • 对于家长来说,处理好孩子青少年阶段的亲密关系,关键成功要素是什么?
  • 对于青少年来说,处理亲密关系有哪些常见误区?
  • 对于家长来说,处理青少年的恋爱问题有哪些常见误区?


  • what's the top3 KSFs for teenagers to deal with early romantic relationship?
  • what's the top3 KSFs for parents to deal with early romantic relationship?
  • what's the common mistakes for teenagers to deal with early romantic relationship?
  • what's the common mistakes for parents to deal with early romantic relationship?

这样不到 10 分钟,我就通过 GPT 的回答,更清楚现在可以开始留意积累什么(比如继续用心浇灌我和爱人的关系,让孩子从小耳濡目染知道一段温暖信任的长期关系是什么样子以提升审美等)、情况出现时如何处理,以便未来孩子有更好的发展。

PS. 如果感兴趣 GPT-4 对上述问题的回答,可看这里:如果我还没高中毕业就恋爱了,怎么能有更好... - 42Share (opens in a new tab)


